
Most brokers deserve a break

Re “What the Fed isn’t fixing,” Opinion, July 16

Ted W. Lieu does our industry an enormous disservice by painting all mortgage brokers with the broad brush stroke of predatory practices. Competent, ethical mortgage brokers provide the consumer with an invaluable service -- choice.

Our company has been in business since 1992. We have helped thousands of our clients purchase their first homes, upgrade to larger homes, buy vacation homes and create a solid future. We have done this by offering them mortgages at very competitive rates that best suited their financial situations and goals.

We consistently disclose the terms of the loans to borrowers and have all their questions answered prior to signing their loan documents. Our goal with each loan is to have a satisfied client and a customer for life.


The majority of mortgage professionals are honest and have the same values we do.

To be sure, there are bad characters. But to characterize mortgage brokers as the architects of the market we currently find ourselves in is a gross oversimplification.

Kelly Lynch

Amy Dantzler

Julie K. Ware

The writers are, respectively, president of KPL Select Mortgage, senior vice president of KPL Select Cos. and processing manager of KPL Select Mortgage.
