
Debate plant Raddatz once partied with (gasp!) Barry Obama

Thank goodness the Daily Caller has got some game for exposing conflicts of interest and really important stuff that other news sites are missing. The website known for saying that it has unearthed scandals said Wednesday it had unearthed the shocking news that the moderator of Thursday’s vice presidential debate once had someone named Barry Obama as a guest at the first of her three weddings.

Now most of us in the political press have become far too complacent to backtrack even one wedding into the past of the debate moderators. So, of course, we would miss the glaring conflicts that can be exposed by journalists who dig really, really deep.

The Daily Caller has revealed that debate moderator Martha Raddatz of ABC News had the self-same Obama at her wedding 21 years ago. And now we are less than 24 hours away from this obvious toady throwing out questions to the two men – Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan — who would like to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office that Obama now occupies.


PHOTOS: Memorable presidential debate moments

The Daily Caller article clearly suggests that Raddatz’s early 1990s interlude with the man later to be known as Barack should disqualify her from overseeing the contest between Biden and Ryan.

Skeptics of the right-wing Daily Caller expose might note that Obama was only one of a bunch of Harvard Law School types at the wedding. And that his main connection to the event appeared to be as a friend of the groom, law school classmate Julius Genachowski. And that Raddatz and Genachowski divorced years ago.


Those niceties would only be pointed out, though, by apologists for the hopelessly biased left-wing press corps.

Raddatz might have moved on to a couple more marriages and an award-winning career as a White House and then foreign correspondent. But Peabody, Emmy and other awards can’t cover up the hard fact: She partied with the future president.

You can almost feel the Daily Caller follow-ups: First, eyewitness accounts of Obama catching the Raddatz garter. Then the tell-all video: Raddatz and Obama, mere feet apart on the dance floor, boogieing as only undisciplined left-wingers can.

PHOTOS: President Obama’s past


Such associations certainly preclude one person from ever writing and reporting fairly about another. Surely, Raddatz should be forced from her position as senior foreign affairs correspondent for ABC. She may have made dozens of courageous trips to Iraq and Afghanistan. But how can she be fair about Obama’s role in those overseas wars after that glass of Mumm’s back in ‘91?

Innocent Paul Ryan has no idea he is about to be blindsided by someone who once may or may not have danced the lambada with President Obama. A naïve Ryan spokesman, asked about the nefarious Raddatz, avowed to having “no concerns.”

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