
Letters: Team USA’s Olympic garb

Re “Ralph Lauren to make 2014 Olympic uniforms in U.S.,” Business, July 14

You can’t blame Ralph Lauren or any of its competitors for having their garments made in China. It’s the U.S. government that needs to step up and offer attractive incentives to American designers and businesses to produce their products domestically. Otherwise, “Made in the USA” labels will become extinct.

Gregory Diamond

Los Angeles

Americans have every right to be outraged by the disclosure that Team USA’s uniforms for the 2012 Olympic Games are made in China. Still, that’s only one part of the affront. The blazer jackets display not a crest evoking the American flag but rather prominently the logo of designer Ralph Lauren.


So much for the amateur status of Olympic athletes.

Alan Kishbaugh

Los Angeles

Now that Ralph Lauren has promised to make future uniforms in the U.S., I hope the company will also tweak the design so that our American athletes will no longer be mistaken for Air France flight attendants.

Lorrie Farrelly

Yorba Linda


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