
Letters: Stay the course on transit

A train on Metro's Expo Line arrives at the platform of the new La Cienega/Jefferson station.
(Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)

Re “Expo’s halting start,” Opinion, June 20

Molly Selvin gave the Expo Line a test ride during its first month of operation, and — incredibly! — found problems.

The Expo Line, and the rest of the public transportation network, was not built for thrills. It was built because Los Angeles is growing, freeways are jammed and the price of gasoline is on its way up with no limit in sight. Selvin’s disappointing ride is sad but not unexpected in the first weeks or months of operation.


Recently, along with several friends, I took the Expo Line and the Red Line subway from Union Station to the Natural History Museum and back. We found the trains prompt, frequent and well patronized.

Selvin should try again; I suspect she’d find that the job has been done quite well. We can do mass transit in Los Angeles.

Bob Burket

Santa Monica


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