
Letters: Scouts’ dishonor

Re “Scout files name alleged abusers,” Oct. 19

With the staggering number of child molestation cases in the Roman Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts, two things are clear.

First, the statutes of limitations on sexual assault should be abolished. Second, there should be a national agency that conducts background checks on people who deal with children, including priests, teachers, coaches and tutors. The cost should be paid by the people who are being checked.


The church and the Boy Scouts say they are doing a better job protecting children. With their history, is this assurance good enough? Do we let the fox guard the hen house?

Teresa Pietrasanta

Oak Park

I have three sons who have achieved the Eagle Scout rank and several friends who have their boys in my Boy Scout troop. I have been a scoutmaster for five years and active in the troop for more than 10. Ask any Eagle Scout about the merits of the program.

The organization has a youth protection training process that requires all adults to receive background checks. The Boy Scouts requires two-deep adult leadership.


I encourage all Scout parents to stay active in the program and to go on the outings and participate; their oversight is the best protection available. They should discuss these issues at parent meetings to keep everyone aware that any form of abuse will never be tolerated.

Robert J. Dumas

San Pedro

Re “Scout files,” Letters, Oct. 20

The letter writer who praised the Boy Scouts is apparently fortunate not to have a child who has been sexually assaulted. He chastises The Times for wasting time on something that’s not “breaking news.”


The fact that the reported abuses all took place before 1991 does not negate the years of trauma, humiliation and mental anguish so many boys endured over the years. To them, I’m sure this is breaking news.

Tom DeSimone

Palm Springs


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