
Letters: Driven up the wall by robo-calls

Re “Do-not-call list or feel-free-to-call list?,” Column, Sept. 28

We have had an ongoing problem with robo-calls and the like even after signing up for the do-not-call list. After calls to the Federal Trade Commission and enduring mindless sales rants, we got smart and added caller ID to our phone. The results are terrific.

We let the phone ring and tell us who is calling, then we decide whether to answer. For numbers we don’t know, we let the answering machine kick in. Robo-calls immediately disconnect. I’m tempted sometimes to answer and get their information to report the callers, but I have better things to do with my time.


The FTC is an underfunded, toothless lion, one more example of government of the money, by the money and for the money.

Tom Pincu

Los Angeles

I had just finished reading David Lazarus’ column when, what do you know, the phone rang and it was “Rachel,” the robo-caller from “card services” described in the article. I hung up and turned her in for the umpteenth time to the FTC. I must admit I was tempted to stay on the line and tell the operator what I thought, but life’s too short.

I’m also getting lots of calls from local contractors who “will be in your neighborhood” and therefore can give me a fantastic deal on rebuilding my house or parts of it. I have been reluctant in the past to turn these guys in to the FTC, figuring most of them are probably just legitimately trying to generate some business in a tough market. But that doesn’t make their calls any less annoying.


At least we have caller ID, which can be more effective than the FTC .

Bob Rosenberg



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