
Letters to the Editor: Trump-loving Republicans are cowards compared with Ukrainians and anti-Putin Russians

Former President Trump shakes hands with Vladimir Putin in 2018 with flags behind them.
Former President Trump, seen with Vladimir Putin in 2018, praised the Russian leader as his forces amassed on Ukraine’s borders before invading.
(Alexy Nikolsky / AFP/Getty Images)

To the editor: Many protesters have taken to the streets of Russian cities to condemn President Vladimir Putin’s monstrous invasion of Ukraine.

But where are the Republican voices rising in protest against the likes of former President Trump, Mike Pompeo and Tucker Carlson and their fawning praise of the Russian dictator?

While these brave Russian protesters are massing in the streets and putting their very lives on the line, our Republican leaders cower fearfully in the face of their authoritarian right wing.


What moral cowards they are — unless, of course, they actually support this attack on freedom-loving people.

Paul Schiffer, Studio City


To the editor: Trump’s embrace of Putin in light of the Kremlin’s aggression toward Ukraine may well be our former president’s political downfall. It could be the last straw for some of his less than enthusiastic supporters.

It is foolish to praise a dictator in times of peace, but to show admiration as that dictator attacks a relatively young democracy is outrageous.


Unlike other foreign wars that took place in faraway places, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is reminiscent of the German invasions that precipitated World War II. It immediately conjures America’s allegiance to democracy and that lifelong desire to protect democratic countries and institutions, particularly in Europe.

Lynn Lorenz, Newport Beach


To the editor: It’s good to see Russians standing up to Putin, despite the obvious danger. Ultimately, the Russian people must choose to somehow remove their unstable, misguided, reckless, murderous leader.

Imagine killing people one claims to protect, many of whom speak the same language. Who is really committing “genocide”?


There is another sad lesson here. When a people allows an unqualified leader to remain in office, something will eventually go badly. Putin has now etched his name alongside Hitler in that regard.

American voters would do well to heed this lesson if the name Trump ever appears on another presidential ballot.

William French, Los Angeles


To the editor: Trump has once again declared his unabashed love and devotion to Putin. In this recent belated Valentine’s Day card, fresh with the scent of treason, Trump gushes over the “very savvy” Russian president and the “genius” of Putin.

Mike Pompeo, Trump’s former secretary of State, also got in the act, calling Putin “savvy,” “shrewd” and a “talented statesman” for whom he has “enormous respect.”

Well, all dictators have their lovers. Hitler had Eva Braun, and Putin has Trump.

Mark Richardson, Encinitas


To the editor: It’s much too ominous a parallel to ignore.

On Jan. 6, 2021, inspired by the president’s call to action, Trump followers invaded the U.S. Capitol in a destructive and futile effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Now Putin, the tyrannical current leader of Russia, is telling his soldiers to invade Ukraine and compel it to come under the Russian umbrella, the same as it was before the breakup of the Soviet Union.


It’s small wonder that Trump expresses such high regard for the Russian despot. Their playbooks are largely the same. What’s next?

Doug Tennant, Dana Point


To the editor: Of course Trump supports Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

From Trump’s viewpoint, Putin is simply exacting welcome revenge on a foreign political enemy of Trump, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Trump hasn’t forgotten the role that the unwitting Zelensky played in Trump’s first impeachment.

This November, Trump’s revenge agenda will move to his American supporters. These voters will play their role in exacting revenge against the former president’s domestic critics by removing them from office. Hopefully, this will occur in a more peaceful manner than Putin’s approach.

The line between democracy and tyranny grows ever more fine.

Paul Kramer, Huntington Beach


To the editor: Ukrainians are willing to die to keep democracy alive in their country. Republicans are willing to lie to kill democracy in ours.

Mark Herder, Van Nuys
