
Letters to the Editor: Excited about another Californian as speaker of the House? Not this time

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy speaks while gesturing with his hand.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill last year.
(Tom Williams / CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

To the editor: Californians should be excited about the prospects of another one of their legislators becoming speaker of House, but that is not necessarily the majority opinion in California. (“Kevin McCarthy would do anything to be House speaker. That’s the problem,” Opinion, Dec. 30)

Many in the state do not admire Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) because of his cowardice, his duality and his vindictiveness. His rhetoric is never inspiring or original, and at the moment he does not seem to even have the respect or support of his own party.

Most importantly, he does not know how to lead. He seems to prefer fighting instead. And that is my concern — he will spend valuable time leading vendettas against Democrats rather than passing needed legislation for the country.


Lynn Lorenz, Newport Beach


To the editor: Calmes has outlined more than enough reasons why McCarthy should not be the next speaker. Here’s one more: It would put him second in the line of succession for the presidency.

Since there is no obvious current Republican to assume that office, we need to look for other alternatives.

The Constitution does not require that the speaker be a current member of the House. In a bipartisan move, the Democrats should join with a few moderate Republicans to accumulate the 218 votes to draft a former prominent Republican member to act as the next speaker.


My recommendation is John Kasich, the former Ohio governor who served in the House for 17 years. Maybe then something will actually get done in Congress.

Arthur L. Wisot, Rolling Hills Estates


To the editor: Calmes makes excellent points about McCarthy’s unfitness for the speakership. However, “elections have consequences,” and that is a lesson we have known for years.

With the Republicans taking control of the House, they determine the next speaker. McCarthy has been here before and been denied, but this is a different time. If the far-right fringe groups can muster enough votes to stop McCarthy, then we may get a far worse speaker.


McCarthy has exhibited weak character and will have an extremely difficult job. Opinions on his ability to lead are low, and the Republicans taking over the House have made clear they are not interested in working with Democrats to pass important legislation. Instead they will convene hearings on Hunter Biden and engage in other acts of revenge.

Just be careful what you wish for, because a craven Speaker McCarthy would be far better than having an election denier out to destroy our democracy.

Edward A. Sussman, Fountain Valley
