
Letters to the Editor: Don’t overthink tidiness. ‘Pantry porn’ isn’t about racism or classism

Dry goods, produce and pickled items arranged neatly on shelves in jars and crates
In a recent op-ed article, a researcher discussed the prevalence of well-stocked, photogenic pantries on social media.
(Daniel Gengel / EyeEm)

To the editor: Of all the twaddle that The Times has seen fit to print, perhaps Jenna Drenten’s op-ed article on “pantry porn” takes the cake.

There isn’t one assertion in the whole article backed up with facts. Being anti-messy and pro-nice is linked to racism and classism? Is the author asserting that poor people of color are dirty and messy?

Organization and tidiness are gifts of time to a person who has little of it to spare. Organization doesn’t rely on coordinated glass jars; they’re handsome but not the driving force. The driving force is a desire to have more time for oneself, not waste money on duplicate purchases. It’s to have a sense of order and discipline somewhere in life.


If Drenten wants to dump her groceries in a pile on the floor and paw through it to find what she needs, let her. But kindly don’t criticize those of us who find that method a waste of time.

Priscilla Benson, Altadena


To the editor: I read with amused agreement Drenten’s attack on “pantry porn,” the equation of a perfectly arranged, thoroughly stuffed pantry with gracious living.

But I was disappointed that Drenten, a female academic (a club I also I belong to), tiptoed around with words like “sexist” and phrases like “women are largely responsible for the work required,” instead of giving it a more direct name: misogyny.


Mary Rouse, Los Angeles


To the editor: I found it interesting that this article did not mention anything about “pantry porn” being a result of some folks avoiding the use of plastic and unnecessary packaging.

I have a collection of jars that I take to the store and fill directly from the bulk bins, thereby eliminating the need for any single-use packaging. The idea is to help the environment. A much nicer looking pantry is just an added benefit.

Michelle Lopez, San Dimas
