
Letters to the Editor: Mike Pence did the right thing on Jan. 6, and not much else. He shouldn’t be president

Then-Vice President Mike Pence officiates a joint session of Congress to certify the 2020 election result on Jan. 6, 2021.
(Saul Loeb / Associated Press)

To the editor: After four years of sycophantic devotion to President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence followed the Constitution on Jan. 6, 2021, as he was required to do. We credit him for that. (“Following the law on Jan. 6 was the least Pence could do. Why are we praising him?” Opinion, March 14)

Two years later, Pence has expressed anger and assigned blame to Trump, but as columnist Jonah Goldberg points out, he has refused interviews by the Justice Department and the House Jan. 6 committee. Why would Pence want to protect Trump, who put his family’s lives in danger on Jan. 6?

Goldberg knows that making political calculations is part of running for office. I believe that Pence anticipated succeeding Trump. He has been trying to position himself as the least antagonistic to pro- and anti-Trumpers, and favored by independents.


We are a divided nation that needs honest, transparent, non-discriminatory public servants. I don’t see Pence like that.

Gilbert H. Skopp, Calabasas


To the editor: Goldberg is choosing not to see the obvious. Our country is divided into three voting factions, not two: the MAGA crowd, the Democrats and the undecideds, who these days seem to include voters we used to call Republicans.

No candidate can win the presidency with the votes of only one of these groups.

Republicans running for president must please both the MAGA crowd and some undecideds. This requires them to say things they don’t really believe, as well as things they really do believe.


The guessing game, particularly for the undecideds, lies in figuring out which statements the candidates believe, and which ones they don’t. There is no chance the candidates will actually tell them, or will be consistent in what they say, because that would mean winning some votes, but losing others.

June Ailin Sewell, Marina del Rey


To the editor: How is Goldberg sure that Pence wanted to do the right thing on Jan. 6?

I remember reading multiple stories about Pence asking conservative leaders if he had any power to throw the election to Trump. Former Vice President Dan Quayle was reported as responding that Pence didn’t have the authority to change the election results.

A lifelong Democrat, I am shocked to find myself thankful for Quayle, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) for standing up for the truth.


Only in the last two decades has the GOP devolved into a win-at-all-costs party. God help us all if it takes over the entire federal government again.

Cathy Gregory, Lompoc


To the editor: I was very relieved that Pence decided to do the right thing on Jan. 6. Since then, I have been disgusted by his cowardice.

No husband or father that I know, whose wife and child were put in danger on Jan. 6, would have so little to say starting Jan. 7. Pence’s reluctance to talk to the Justice Department or the House Jan. 6 committee has been very telling to me about his lack of character.

Donna Henley, Chino
