
Letters to the Editor: ‘All are welcome’ is a Christian idea, Gov. Ron DeSantis

A man stands at a lectern while several people stand in a semicircle behind him.
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg joins local church and nonprofit leaders at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral to speak about the needs of migrants who were flown to that city.
(Mackenzie Mays / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: The message to the community from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Ventura is, “All are welcome here.” The rector, the Rev. Susan Bek, offers that message weekly from the pulpit, verbally and in American Sign Language. (“DeSantis picks an immigration fight with Newsom because he’s scared to attack Trump,” Opinion, June 7)

One glance around the sanctuary reveals an attendance of a wide range of people of various ages, gender identities, economic levels and ethnic groups. It’s one of the reasons I’m a parishioner there.

So, it really is no surprise to me that Sacramento’s Trinity Episcopal Cathedral has welcomed and cared for the migrants sent there through no choice of their own. These are examples of what columnist Robin Abcarian refers to as “what we’ve always believed is best about us” — accepting and caring for those poor, tired and huddled masses yearning to be free.


Karen Scott Browdy, Fillmore


To the editor: It strains any kind of common sense for Abcarian to think that sending 16 asylum seekers to Sacramento is cruel and inhuman. California is a sanctuary state, so what’s the problem with taking in 16 additional people?

It didn’t seem to bother any Democratic-controlled cities when Texas was overloaded with people who had just crossed the border. People on the island of Martha’s Vineyard got very upset when 50 asylum seekers were flown in; those immigrants were sent away after about 36 hours.

It’s amazing that the people upset by these migrant flights don’t get similarly mad when criminals cross the border or when fentanyl comes into the country.


I think all the people who are very upset by Texas and Florida sending asylum seekers to Democratic cities should offer to take these people into their own homes.

Barbara Kimelman, Tarzana


To the editor: When I read that the migrants sent here from Florida “reached into their pockets to offer a dollar for the collection plate,” I had to read it again. Then I read it out loud to my husband. These people barely had a dollar to their name, yet they know the meaning of charity.

I thought to myself that Florida doesn’t deserve people like this. I hope that all of these people find a job and a home in California. They are the people who will keep our state strong.


Thank you to the Trinity Episcopal Cathedral of Sacramento for showing all of us how to act as human beings. Republicans, are you reading this?

Judith Braun, Woodland Hills


To the editor: What if our governor rounded up California’s homeless people and provided transportation for them to be delivered to Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida?

Alison Agins, San Juan Capistrano
