
Letters to the Editor: Republicans are playing a game of chicken with themselves

Supporters of former President Trump with large Trump flags outside his golf resort in Doral, Fla., on June 12.
Supporters of former President Trump outside his golf resort in Doral, Fla., on June 12.
(Alex Brandon / Associated Press)

To the editor: Even if you ignore the Republicans’ professed belief in unicorns, magic faeries and stolen elections, it’s still pretty interesting to watch them staring in the mirror, trying to decide who will blink first. (“Here’s Trump’s outlandish and dangerous plan to beat the classified documents case,” Opinion, June 14)

The federal indictment of former President Trump is pushing them into an irreversible choice between blind faith and common sense. So far, they are opting for the Easter Bunny, but they are also like the passengers on an packed subway car, trying to judge at just which stop to beat a hasty exit.

A Georgia indictment? A Jan. 6 indictment? A loss in the New York fraud case? A conviction in the documents case? The imposition of a prison sentence? A guilty verdict to a seditious conspiracy charge?


Is there an end to this madness, or will they simply ride their magic train all the way to the end of the line?

William Seaton, Sherman Oaks


To the editor: Harry Litman’s column on Trump’s outlandish plan to beat the classified documents case shows us a repetitive but predictable pattern.

Trump performs victimhood to the public in order to evoke sympathy, but behind that public façade of the wronged innocent, he conspires to destroy our entire democratic system.


Motivated by revenge, he hides his fantasied plan to outfox and disempower the judicial system behind the act of the wronged hero.

Citizens and the media must be aware of his duplicitous plot to do us all harm.

Madeline Taylor, Woodland Hills


To the editor: I’m disappointed in myself for watching the TV news coverage showing Trump’s motorcade go to and from his indictment, and then him boarding a plane to fly to New Jersey. It amounted to hours of free advertisement for his campaign for president.

The man is demonstrably unfit to be president of this country. I was played by Trump and his media manipulators again.


Luke Claus, Oak Park
