
Letters to the Editor: Outsourcing human thinking to AI is a red line we shouldn’t cross

OpenAI logo seen on a mobile phone in front of a computer screen displaying output from artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT.
The OpenAI logo is seen on a mobile phone in front of a computer screen displaying output from the company’s artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT.
(Michael Dwyer / Associated Press)

To the editor: For me, writing as a consulting organization psychologist was a learning experience. Working on four books, numerous book chapters, journal articles and scores of conference papers was my learning pathway to creating insights — insights from which my clients gained value. (“AI-assisted writing is close to becoming as standard as spell check. Here’s the catch,” Opinion, June 20)

Outsourcing this valuable thought process to artificial intelligence is a red line that we as thinking humans should not cross. And yet, apparently we are. Why? Because of expediency: Students save time, researchers take shortcuts and companies reduce payroll.

As a consultant, I strongly advised companies not to outsource competitive advantage. What is humanity’s competitive advantage? Thinking, analysis and insight. When we lose these qualities, we lose that which is most precious to be human.


Merrill Anderson, Laguna Beach


To the editor: What has guided me as a writer is to consider written words as a form of thinking or a holding of the mirror up to my own thoughts. Writing is indeed a reflection of our thoughts, helping us to better understand issues and concerns under our consideration.

ChatGPT is a ghost in the mirror. The haunting horror of this new technology is that we may become further isolated from ourselves and others, unable to genuinely know and articulate our thoughts, feelings and concerns — becoming further estranged from ourselves and others.

Ben Miles, Huntington Beach
