
Letters to the Editor: Another letter about Trump, but with a photo of puppies instead of the ex-president

Puppies play with a toy football while warming up for Puppy Bowl XIX last January.
(Helen Woodward Animal Center)

To the editor: I understand why L.A. Times readers are tired after so many years of numerous photos of former President Trump in this paper and many other places.

I too am tired, although I understand that using photos calls attention to articles that may be important to read. Since he was a president, and since Trump’s actions are especially designed to draw attention to him — and he doesn’t care if it’s good or bad attention — he is going to get lots of coverage.

I have a solution that another person suggested, and I think it’s a good one. Instead of publishing a photo of Trump, use a picture of the reporter’s pet — a cute dog, cat, lizard or other animal — and we would still know it’s an article about Trump. We do need to be informed, but a little sugar helps the medicine go down.


Just a thought on how to make people happy as they stay informed.

Barbara Snider, Huntington Beach
