
Letters to the Editor: L.A. is getting safer? It doesn’t feel that way

LAPD Chief Michel Moore addresses Police Academy graduates.
LAPD Chief Michel Moore speaks to graduates of the Los Angeles Police Academy on June 2.
(Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Columnist Erika D. Smith claims that the contract with the Los Angeles Police Department officers union approved by the L.A. City Council, which will increase spending on the LAPD, may not be necessary since “for the most part, our city is already getting safer.”

Sorry, but most people in Los Angeles and other major cities don’t seem to sense this.

Going into supermarkets or drugstores where products have to be locked up because of theft, being in a department store hit by smash-and-grab robbers, and reports of carjackings and home invasion robberies do not make one feel as if crime is on the decline.

With this new police contract, hopefully, Los Angeles will be able to retain that strong force needed in such a large city.


Janet Polak, Beverly Hills


To the editor: I have an idea — why not use some of the added money designated for the LAPD budget next year as an incentive?

Take $5 million or $10 million, and if the LAPD can go a year without an excessive use of force claim made upon their ranks, then every member gets to split the pot.

This would be cheaper than having to pay out all the claims they usually do in a year and good for the morale of both the department and the city. It might also save a few lives in the process.


Roy Friedland, Los Angeles


To the editor: I’m really not sure what Smith’s point is here. Yes, budgeting for a police force the size of Los Angeles is never going to come cheap.

Oh, but homicides in Los Angeles are down by 24%. Should I really be comforted by the fact that for every 100 people killed last year in the city, only 76 were the year after?

Gary Abel, Marina del Rey
