
Readers React: Advanced private kindergartens put too much pressure on small children

To the editor: In reading the article about stress on parents trying to gain admission for their kids to private kindergartens, there was no mention of the stress it puts on young children. (“Your summer baby might have a hard time getting into that private kindergarten,” March 18)

The curriculum outlined by these kindergartens and preschools are better accomplished in first, second and third grades and are not appropriate for many children.

Sure, there are children who can master these reading and math programs, but at what cost? Lowering the age for meeting the Common Core curriculum standards does a disservice to children and families who have other age-appropriate goals to attain. Preschool and kindergarten attendance takes place at a time when children learn about being a member of a community, how to get along with others, how to test old and new ideas and how explore the world around them.


Preschools and kindergartens should not be run like businesses; rather, they should provide humane, accepting and loving adventures where children may make mistakes, learn from them and become good citizens.

June Solnit Sale, Los Angeles

The writer is a former director of UCLA Child Care Services.

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