
Readers React: How to fight telemarketers: Make them listen to your pitch

To the editor: I am on the do-not-call list, but I still receive between six and eight robocalls every day on my land line and cellphone. When a human telemarketer reaches me, I am usually courteous. (“Robocalls driving you nuts? A proposed law offers a remedy,” April 19)

When someone called to tell me there was something wrong with my Microsoft programs, I said I would listen to him if he would first listen to me. I am a zoo docent, so I proceeded to describe the evolution of life on Earth, starting with the Big Bang and moving forward to about 65 million years ago. Eventually he said he needed to get off the phone but asked if he could call me back.

He called back several days later, and I brought him forward to the evolution of humans. He thanked me and never brought up my Microsoft software again.


Betty Dunbar, Hermosa Beach


To the editor: Poor Rep. Jackie Speier (D- Hillsborough) had to suffer through all the interruptions of robocalls like the rest of us. The do-no-call list is useless.

As always, nothing seems to get done unless an elected officials is affected by a nuisance the rest of us have long had to deal with. They’re on it only when they’re bothered by it personally.

I hope Speier’s neighbor decides to convert his or her home in to a boarding house or hotel, rent out all the rooms and advertise on Airbnb. Maybe then our elected officials will actually do something about that problem.


Glenn Zweifel, Mar Vista

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