
Readers React: Donald Trump plays the boys-will-be-boys card

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (left) and Republican candidate Donald Trump (right).

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (left) and Republican candidate Donald Trump (right).

(AFP/Getty Images)

To the editor: In accusing Hillary Clinton of playing the “woman card,” Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump, ever so self-involved and myopic, fails to understand that the only reason he has gotten as far as he has is because he plays the “boys-will-be-boys” gender card every time he opens his often crass mouth. (“Trump’s ‘woman’s card’ jab at Clinton isn’t how GOP wanted to get female voters’ attention,” April 27)

The more boorish his behavior, the more popular he becomes. No woman would survive this level of petulance.

Championing policies that enhance the lives of women should be men’s concern as well. Most men live with a woman, yet men often lack concern for policies that directly affect women’s lives.


I don’t know if this historic lack of attention to women’s concerns will change, even with a woman in the White House. A woman president will still have to contend with the mostly male members Congress, too many of whom probably think she should be at home ironing a man’s shirt.

Diana M. Granat, Altadena


To the editor: Trump may have a gender problem, but the GOP does not.

Trump is not a Republican. He is an impostor who has hijacked the party and is taking it and the country on a nauseating joy ride for his own amusement.

The legitimate Republican candidate just announced as his running mate Carly Fiorina (who is female). That should have been the front-page story.


Elaine Minamide, Escondido


To the editor: Trump must have skipped his history classes.

He implied through his attack on Clinton that women don’t have the “strength” and “stamina” to serve as president.” There have been many strong women heads of state and government through the centuries — Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth I, Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Victoria, Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Angela Merkel and Margaret Thatcher are a few who come to mind.

Trump ought check his facts. If he did so perhaps he would avoid making so many gaffes.

Valerie Fields, Los Angeles


To the editor: Cathleen Decker suggests that Trump, because of his dismissive attitude toward women, may have a problem garnering enough votes to win the election.

Lest we forget, in the 2003 recall election against Democratic Gov. Gray Davis, in a strongly Democratic state in which only 36% of women identified themselves as Republicans, Arnold Schwarzenegger, a notorious groper given to unwanted sexual advances toward women with no credentials for public office, won by garnering the votes of 71% of Republican women and an amazing 43% of Democratic women.


Schwarzenegger’s celebrity alone appeared to have elevated him to chief executive of the nation’s most populous state.

Trump, a Neanderthal like Schwarzenegger and with no credentials for public office, is relying upon his status as a celebrity to carry him to victory. So far, so good.

Herb Weinberg, Marina del Rey


To the editor: I’m not a Trump supporter, nor am I a detractor. But, as a regular reader of The Times, I have to say that I am a bit annoyed. The Times seems to be vociferously anti-Trump. As I see it, that’s not the job of a newspaper. It is supposed to report the news, not try to influence its readers.

As an example, Decker’s article should be an op-ed piece. It clearly doesn’t belong on the front page.

I’d like to see unbiased reporting for a change.

Paul Hooper, Diamond Bar

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