
Readers React: Between the lanes

Susanna Schick, 45, with her boyfriend, Robert Verez, 44, and the bike she normally rides, an electric Zero FX.

Susanna Schick, 45, with her boyfriend, Robert Verez, 44, and the bike she normally rides, an electric Zero FX.

(Robin Abcarian / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Kudos to columnist Robin Abcarian for being brave enough to try this practice. (“A firsthand look at lane splitting,” Column, July 3)

Perhaps she will now view it as do people from other countries.

Here, it’s commonly known as “lane-splitting,” for which the words connote violence.

A far more accurate term, used in other countries, is “filtering,” which is truly what we do: move through the cars and trucks like water through an aquifer.

Chris Ramko, Newport Beach


To the editor: To make lane splitting legal is to encourage accidents, especially hurtful to the motorcyclists.


A bad idea is supported by motorcyclists largely to avoid blame and to confuse insurance and legal issues.

The practice will inevitably increase insurance rates for car drivers.

Robert Baker, Los Angeles


To the editor: Your article states, “As to whether it’s legal, the CHP tolerates it.” Not only does the California Highway Patrol tolerate it, but its officers do it.

Recently, two CHP motorcycle police officers passed between my car and a large truck on the freeway.


The first officer went through fine, but the second clipped my mirror and scared me to death.

That doesn’t sound too safe to me, when even the police have accidents.

Boots Mertens, Thousand Oaks


To the editor: It’s nice to see The Times post about lane splitting.

I have been riding for more than 40 years. I only lane split at slow speeds, in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

When I ride in traffic, I find most drivers are courteous and pull over to give me more room to lane split.


There are always some who feel that if they are stuck, so should I be, and then block my path.
George E. Turski, Venice
