
Readers React: Cali is a city in Colombia, not the largest and greatest state in the U.S.

The California State flag flies outside Los Angeles City Hall.
(Mark Ralston / AFP/Getty Images)

To the editor: David L. Ulin omits a primary reason that “Cali” is so obnoxious in reference to California. (“Don’t call us ‘Cali.’ We’re California, thank you,” Opinion, April 17)

The real Cali is a gorgeous city of 2.4 million in Colombia. How arrogant of Californians to usurp this name.

I wonder how many of the young Californians sporting “Cali” T-shirts even realize that Cali represents a major international city. Please leave Cali to the Colombians, where it rightfully belongs.


Bob Lentz, Sylmar


To the editor: The other day I was checking out at the hair salon when I heard a woman complaining about how high the sales tax was. “I can’t wait to get out of California,” she said.

I have a response: Please go and leave more room for the people who appreciate the culture, the diversity, the size, the weather and the unbelievable natural beauty that surrounds us in this amazing state.

As Ulin said, we should stop trying to make California seem like less than it is. As a born and raised New Englander, I can tell you it doesn’t get much better than this.


Cindy Nexon, Agoura Hills

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