
Readers React: Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem shouldn’t be controversial — it’s been our policy since 1995

U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on stage during the opening of the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem on May 14.
U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on stage during the opening of the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem on May 14.
(Menahem Kahana / AFP/Getty Images)

To the editor: The world needs to salute President Trump for following through on his commitment to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Kudos also to the president’s senior advisor Jared Kushner and Ambassador to Israel David Friedman for their important assistance in bringing this about.

What happened on Monday was momentous, but it should not have been all that remarkable. After all, in 1995 Congress recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and mandated that the U.S. Embassy be transferred to Jerusalem no later than 1999.

To his everlasting credit, Trump was not deterred by the many predictions that the Arab world would unite behind the Palestinians in resisting this move and that America’s geopolitical interests would suffer.


Monday’s opening ceremony for the Jerusalem embassy came at a particularly opportune time. The show of firm support for Israel after eight years of fecklessness from President Obama is also a message to Iran and others that the U.S. stands behind its allies and is not concerned about political correctness.

Brian J. Goldenfeld, Woodland Hills


To the editor: It is so troubling and upsetting to see the White House open its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims the entire city for Israel, which continues to build on occupied land. Furthermore, the protesters in Gaza had planned on having their largest demostration yet on May 14, the day our insensitive government decided to hold its embassy ceremony.


I find that completely confrontational, unconscionable, inconsiderate and disgusting.

On their border with the Gaza Strip, Israeli soldiers have been firing their weapons into crowds smothered by smoke. At least 62 Gazans have been killed since Monday, and more than 2,700 have been injured.

I condemn Israel for its occupation of land that belongs to the Palestinians and for its military’s wanton killing of Palestinians — and I condemn the Trump administration for playing a role in it.

Gerald Orcholski, Pasadena

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