
Letters to the Editor: How school bullying and economic inequality are related

Moreno Valley school
A woman and her son visit a makeshift memorial to a student who died after being attacked at Landmark Middle School in Moreno Valley.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: As a teacher, I was horrified to read about the death of the middle school child in Moreno Valley. What had me most horrified was that bullying seems to have been a problem at that middle school in the past.

If my children had been bullied at school, things would have changed. I would have either solved the problem at the school site or my children would have been removed. I would have moved mountains to fix the situation, and I am sure I would have been successful.

Until education is equal for all students, and not only for those of means, this will continue to be the way education is in Southern California.


Ellen Goldenberg, Seal Beach


To the editor: I was deeply saddened but not surprised by the tragedy at the Moreno Valley school.

I have been a public high school teacher in California for 14 years. Recent changes in the law have made it almost impossible for principals to suspend students who display reckless behavior; therefore, these reckless students remain on our campuses disrupting classes and endangering other students.

The good news is that our suspension rates have decreased; the bad news is our campuses are more unstable.

David Waldowski, Laguna Woods
