
Letters to the Editor: Do we believe an inspector general or Trump and his conspiracy theorists?

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Nov. 5, 2019.
(Cliff Owen / Associated Press)

To the editor: With still another lie discredited, the Justice Department inspector general’s report that found no partisan bias in the FBI’s Russia investigation gives us an opportunity to balance what we know about the people caught up in this.

On one side are real patriots who have dedicated their careers to serving this country. These include ambassadors and military officers who have shared their accounts of this administration’s misconduct even though they have nothing to gain politically because they are not politicians.

On the other side we have a president who has lied literally thousands of times, a ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee who was once caught in a phony rush to the White House to share information that he had “found,” and an attorney general that refuses to believe his own Justice Department’s findings because they do not help the president.


It is clear that Republicans are interested only in holding onto power, not governing.

Martin Wauson, Westminster


To the editor: The bias by the media and the Democrats is on full display when they describe the findings of the inspector general report.

When former Justice Department special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report was finished earlier this year, they told us that just because collusion was not found did not mean that it did not exist. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) was a big proponent of this line.

Yet when the inspector general says he didn’t find direct evidence of political motivation, the media and Democrats assert this proves incontrovertibly that political motivation was not a driver for the FBI.


Most 10-year-olds, upon reflection, can spot the hypocrisy

Kip Dellinger, Santa Monica


To the editor: There are three topics about the report that should be covered in order of importance: First, the report concludes that the FBI investigation was justified; second, the report finds no political bias in the investigation; and third, the report criticizes the FBI’s handling of one element in its investigation.

Instead, your news report reverses that order, spending the initial paragraphs on the least important of the items and burying the the conclusion several paragraphs down.

Merrill Ring, Claremont
