
Letters to the Editor: Is California’s cap-and-trade program making climate change worse?

The Valero oil refinery in Benicia, Calif.
The Valero oil refinery in Benicia, Calif., in 2017.
(Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)

To the editor: California’s cap-and-trade program is meant to put our state on the front lines in the war against climate change. But, like any unilateral program, it accelerates the loss of manufacturing jobs from California to China or Texas or any of the other areas of the world where global warming regulations are far more lax than here. (“Why California’s climate solution isn’t cutting it,” Opinion, Jan. 2)

Instead, we should encourage manufacturing to take place closer to where the goods will be consumed by implementing global warming tariffs.

Think of a Chinese-made product being produced in a factory powered by coal-fired electricity, then being put on a diesel-burning freighter to be shipped halfway around the world to consumers in California. I’d prefer it if the item were produced here.


William Shaw, La Crescenta


To the editor: Jacques Leslie’s excellent op-ed article shows how cap-and-trade is made ineffective by the oil industry gaming it. Here are two very effective strategies, not only for California but for the nation:

One, the bipartisan Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763) is a carbon fee plan that distributes the revenue as dividends directly to U.S. citizens. Economic modeling shows that this market-based plan will most rapidly reduce carbon emissions.

Two, for any effective legislation to pass, we must vote out those who are supporting, actively or passively, President Trump’s egregious climate change policies. For example, only one Republican senator voted against confirming Scott Pruitt and then Andrew Wheeler to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, although both are enemies of climate change action.


We must attack climate change on multiple fronts. This includes gathering popular support for action, proposing effective measures and showing up to vote.

Jack Holtzman, San Diego
