
Letters to the Editor: LAUSD campuses will stay closed. That’s terrible but necessary

LAUSD closed
A parent arrives to pick up a student at the Edward R. Roybal Learning Center in Los Angeles after LAUSD announced school closures in March.
(Damian Dovarganes / Associated Press)

To the editor: As a former public school teacher for 40 years, I am disappointed that students in the Los Angeles Unified School District will not be able to return to campus next month. It is the best decision for these unprecedented times.

There is just one major reason for students not to return to classes on site: Life itself is sacred. The economy is not more sacred than life. Child care is not more sacred, and meeting curriculum goals is not more sacred.

COVID-19 cases and therefore deaths are certain to increase if students start interacting with school staff and other children. The right decision was made.


Diane Brunson, Rancho Palos Verdes


To the editor: Why not just delay the first day of school?

Opening day has changed through the years. We moved from the agrarian-driven fall start to our current August start to accommodate the need for more breaks. When California schools were facing overcrowding, many districts managed multi-track calendars that had school years for some students begin in July.

It would seem that amid a pandemic, delaying the first day of school would give us time to think more carefully and thoughtfully about the issues we face in opening schools. It would also give us time to innovate health and safety solutions.

Could the start of school be late September or October? How about November or even January, with month-long breaks to allow for retooling? Could the delay in the start time allow schools to prepare parents to support online learning?


Jo Ann Isken, Los Angeles


To the editor: I also lament school closures. I advise students and teachers to serve as ambassadors and send a unified message: that masks and social distancing for everyone are essential for schools to open.

If each of them dons a mask at all times when in public and tells family and friends to do the same, we will have a vast majority of people doing the right thing to slow the spread of COVID-19.

With this effort, schools may be able to reopen.

Dorothy Doberne, MD, Northridge


To the editor: The LAUSD being unable to open its campuses is another Los Angeles debacle, right there with our homelessness crisis and all the funds wasted to solve it.


What can our local government excel at in addition to collecting paychecks and rich benefits?

Albert Badgen, Northridge


To the editor: If President Trumps says the LAUSD is making a mistake by not opening schools next month, the district must knows it’s headed in the right direction.

Maureen Cobas, Pomona
