
Letters to the Editor: Why Black listeners started a boycott of Larry Elder’s advertisers

Radio show host Larry Elder considered running for governor in California's recall election.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: As columnist Jean Guerrero has stated, when Larry Elder was a local radio talk show host, he not only “repeatedly twisted crime statistics to portray Black people as more violent than whites,” he also vilified African American political, religious and community leaders, as well as our organizations and institutions.

When Black guests appeared on his program to defend the African American community or to explain our challenges, Elder would interrupt or shout over them. By the mid-1990s, the Black community rose up and launched a successful boycott of the sponsors of his show.

Elder is not a benign conservative. He is a race-baiting opportunist who should not be elected governor of the state of California.


Legrand H. Clegg II, Compton


To the editor: Guerrero’s piece on Elder uses the left’s age-old tactic of smearing the opponent without engaging in the argument. She writes as if she has all her readers on her side (and she might) when she promotes guilt by association with other conservatives.

This is such blatant propaganda that I’m surprised that the left still thinks it works. Only like-minded people could confuse her arguments for analysis.

This style of journalism is by now so entrenched that the rest of us are left to just roll our eyes.


Elinor Lenehen, Los Angeles
