
Letters to the Editor: If the California GOP belongs to Larry Elder, God help us

A woman standing in a crowd holds a sign promoting Elder for governor
Supporters of Larry Elder watch as recall election results show Gov. Gavin Newsom winning on Sept. 14 in Costa Mesa.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: The “sage of South Central” will leave the political stage with a $276-million price tag for California taxpayers and a mediocre performance. (“It’s now Larry Elder’s California GOP. What’s his next move?” Sept. 14)

He ran on a ridiculous platform of reversing all vaccination and mask mandates. He also expressed support for a $0 minimum wage and suggested that slave owners might have been owed reparations after the Civil War.

Talk show hosts like Elder need to make outlandish statements in order to attract listeners, but candidates for office should do the opposite so they can gain broad support. Evidently, Elder is not aware of this.


The Republican Party lost enough credibility in California with Gov. Pete Wilson and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. If Elder becomes the face of the state GOP, it could cease to exist altogether.

Richard C. Armendariz, Huntington Beach


To the editor: While voters overwhelmingly rejected the recall, the Democrats’ shortsighted push to only vote on Question 1 (yes or no on the recall) gave Elder a very strong showing and, therefore, a big platform and megaphone for next time.

Had more Democrats voted for someone, anyone other than Elder, his numbers would have been significantly less than or perhaps equal to the proportion of voters who supported recalling Newsom. Now, there’s no stopping him.


Democrats may be for gun control, but they keep shooting themselves in the foot.

Linda Shahinian, Culver City


To the editor: I believe Elder is the reason we lost the chance to get rid of Newsom. He should have stayed out of the race.

People were so put off by him that they said no to the recall. He’s not a politician, and some of his ideas are insane. A $0 minimum wage? Really?

He needs to stay on talk radio.

Gary Clark, Oceanside
