
Op-Comic: We all want a Valentine from LeBron, but sometimes you get an Elon

Illustrated collage of celebrities and politicians, including LeBron, Caruso, Jennifer Coolidge, KDL, Musk, George Santos
I have scored more than anyone before, but it's a dream come true to score with you!

Listen to me, baby, And don't believe their lies. My love for you is as real As my Nobel Prize

I'd like to see what you're about, maybe take you to a dance; But won't know if I should ask you out til I hear from my fans


I got tricks up my sleeve, And so you'd best believe: Be mean all you want, And I still won't leave!

I've got money I earned From malls and exclusive connections. One thing that I've learned: You cannot buy love or elections!

Out of all people in all the world, I'd like to ack-noo-ledge: You're 2nd best out of everyone! Number 1's Jennifer Coolidge

Ivan Ehlers is a cartoonist and writer in Los Angeles. His work has appeared in the New Yorker and MAD magazine, among other publications. @ivan_ehlers

A cartoonist pulls from his own life to show how hostile people are to those who electively choose to wear face masks in public during the pandemic.
