
Losers in the veepstakes join Romney on the stump

ZANESVILLE, Ohio -- When Ohio Sen. Rob Portman stood up at a rally here Tuesday and lauded Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate, he was doing more than just walking the party line. He was joining a list of people whom Romney passed over for the job who have spoken out in the hours and the days since in support of his choice.

Romney had a deep bench of GOP politicians that he considered before ultimately picking Ryan early this month and announcing his selection Saturday. On that day, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell joined Romney and Ryan as they campaigned around the state, and then the candidates were joined by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio in his home state. Romney had considered both McDonnell and Rubio as his No. 2, and both offered generous words for the man who won the spot.

On Tuesday, Portman took his turn in front of hundreds of people gathered outside of Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl.


PHOTOS: Paul Ryan’s past

Romney “made a great decision earlier this week choosing Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate. Paul is smart, he’s articulate, he’s had a vision for America. He’s also a Midwesterner who shares our values,” Portman said. “He also shares a passion with Mitt Romney to get control of the spending, to stop these record debts and deficits that are bad for the economy and immoral for future generations. He has a passion for putting in place pro-growth policies to get this economy on track. Ladies and gentleman, this team of Romney-Ryan can help! We can do it! The American dream can be restored!”

Expect appearances in coming days and weeks with former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, among other vice presidential runners-up, alongside Romney on the stump.


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