
Briefs: AVP Huntington Beach Open begins May 5

The Assn. of Volleyball Professionals Pro Beach Volleyball Tour returns to Surf City for the AVP Huntington Beach Open May 5-8 at the Huntington Beach Pier.

The tournament is the second stop on seven-city 2016 tour.

The four-day event starts with qualifying rounds May 5-6 and elimination rounds are May 7. The women’s and men’s finals are May 8.

At the first tour event of the season, the New Orleans Open, Ryan Doherty of Fountain Valley and John Mayer (Mar Vista) won the Men’s title, defeating Casey Patterson of Huntington Beach and Jake Gibb (Costa Mesa) in Sunday’s final. Ed Ratledge of Huntington Beach and Ty Loomis (Laguna Beach), the No. 13 seed, finished in equal-13th place.


The women’s title was won Sunday by the team of Kim DiCello (San Diego) and Kendra Van Zwieten (Coconut Creek, FLA.).

For online ticket information regarding the AVP Huntington Beach Open, visit

HB football fundraiser

The Tee Off Oilers Football Golf Classic, which benefits the football program at Huntington Beach High, is May 9 at SeaCliff Country Club (6501 Palm Avenue) in Huntington Beach.


The tournament is a four-person scramble format and contests include putting, hole-in-one, closest-to-the-pin, and longest drive. Prizes also will be offered. During cocktail hour, a helicopter will circle overhead for a ball drop, a closest-to-the-pin contest that awards $1,000 to the winner. The day will be capped by an awards ceremony and dinner party featuring a silent auction and prize raffle.

The cost is $195 per person and $750 per foursome and includes green fees, cart and dinner. Dinner-only tickets are available at $50 per person. Registration and sponsorship opportunities are currently available only until April 22.

For more information, visit, or contact Cindy Adams at (714) 916-4909, or [email protected].


Marina poker tourney

The Marina High boys’ basketball program will sponsor a Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament and Bingo Night May 14 at the Huntington Beach Elk’s Club (7711 Talbert Avenue).

The no limit, Texas Hold ‘Em tournament, which begins with a 7 p.m. first hand deal, is a $100 buy-in ($1,000 in poker chips, dinner, soft drinks) and $20 re-buys also are available. Prizes, which include Angels, Dodgers and Lakers tickets and a foursome round of golf, will be awarded to the top eight finishers. The bingo event is a $40 buy-in (one card, dinner, soft drinks).

For more information and registration details, visit

Edison football fundraiser

The Edison High football program will hold its annual golf tournament June 27 at SeaCliff Country Club in Huntington Beach (6501 Palm Avenue). The cost for the tournament is $200 and includes golf, a box lunch, barbecue dinner and goodies bag. The guest of honor for the event is former Edison coach Russ Purnell who went on to coach at USC and the past 20 years in the NFL with Super Bowl wins with the Indianapolis Colts (2006, special teams coordinator) and Baltimore Ravens (2000, special teams coordinator). He was assistant special teams coach for the 2015 season with the Carolina Panthers.

To register for the tournament, visit For more tournament information and sponsorship information, contact Bruce Belcher at [email protected].

Moose Invitational June 27

The 11th annual Fountain Valley Football Boosters/Michael Musso Memorial Moose Invitational Golf Tournament will be held June 27 at Mile Square Golf Course (10401 Warner Ave.) in Fountain Valley.


The tournament includes a four-person scramble and contests for longest drive, closest-to-the-pin and putting. The cost is $150 per golfer and covers green fees, cart fees, practice range, door prizes/gift bags, a buffet lunch and banquet dinner. Registration is 11 a.m., shotgun start 1 p.m., and banquet dinner begins at 6 p.m.

The annual golf tournament helps raise money for the Fountain Valley High football program and the Michael Musso Memorial Fund. Musso, a 2004 graduate of Fountain Valley High School, died in a car accident in July 2005. Through the fundraiser, a scholarship is given to a four-year Baron football player each year.

Registration deadline is June 5. Online registration can be found at For more information, call tournament coordinator Kristie Musso at (714) 225-5703, or email [email protected].

— From staff reports
