
X Games: Duo sets world record with Hot Wheels double-loop dare

Rally car driver Tanner Foust and stuntman Greg Tracy set a world record late Saturday morning when they drove two life-size Hot Wheels cars through a 66-foot double-loop track at X Games.

“It’s absolutely the most amazing experience I’ve ever had,” Tracy said.

PHOTOS: Summer X Games 2012

The pair drove approximately 52 mph on the track before hitting the loop and experiencing seven Gs of force while going through the loop -- at a height of six stories.

Foust, who entered the loop just after Tracy, said it was necessary to avoid driving too fast through the loop in order to prevent the car from breaking down if any part of the chassis scraped against the track. He slowed down a bit when he saw the back left of Tracy’s vehicle was damaged. If either car went slower than 48 mph, it risked losing contact with the track and falling to the ground.

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“I saw him pull ahead of me while were upside down,” Foust said. “I saw him pull in front of me while we were upside down, I saw him as we were leaving, and I could see he had something broken on the back left. ... I eased out of it just a little bit and made the jump.

“There were some big bounces. These cars are designed to handle seven Gs, so the suspension is very stiff, and the landing on the ramp was a pretty good bounce all the way to the dirt.”


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