
Letters: Kings have reason to howl

So Dave Tippett, the classless coach of a bankrupt team, claims the Coyotes are losing to the Kings because the referees are letting them away with “embellishing.”

What mind-bending chutzpah, just two days after Dustin Brown was given an inexplicable penalty for just that in Game 2, after he understandably collapsed on the ice in agony due to goalie Mike Smith’s brutal (and cowardly) slash of the back of Brown’s legs.

Any objective observer would conclude that the Coyotes are losing this series because they have been outplayed by the Kings in every way. During the last five minutes of Game 3, the Kings’ forechecking so smothered the Coyotes that PETA considered protesting.


Is it too late to convert the Coyotes’ Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization into a Chapter 7 liquidation?

Peter Rich

Los Angeles


How appropriate that the Coyotes’ arena is sponsored by a job assistance company, given that the inspired Kings are about to put them out of work.

Siena Devries

San Pedro

Frank talk

Although not a journalist, I am well aware of journalism’s role in obtaining the truth about issues of concern for the public. What upsets me is that T.J. Simers seems to be the only journalist trying to ferret out the truth about the Dodgers’ new ownership and its relationship with Frank McCourt. The new ownership’s credibility is now highly suspect regarding all issues pertaining to the Dodgers. I thank you for doing your job in fulfilling your role and exposing the fraudulent approach the new ownership is trying to foist on the paying fans. Please keep asking those questions and maybe someday we’ll know the truth.


Allen Adashek

Los Angeles


It’s time to accept that it’s none of our business. I applaud T.J.’s tenacity, but McCourt is Guggeheim’s problem now. They wanted the Dodgers, he came with the deal. So what? He’s not making decisions and that’s all that matters. If fans don’t like the deal, stay away from the decrepit landmark that is Dodger Stadium. Get over it L.A., move on. You’ve got a pretty good team that’s in first place.

Marcelo Barreiro

Manhattan Beach


Maybe the new Dodgers owners should remember that when you hold hands with the devil, you’re likely to get burned.

R.E. McPherson



The notion that the new owners of the Dodgers 1) owe the fans some explanation about their deal with McCourt; and 2) that they’re going to do anything with the franchise that’s “for the fans” is, regrettably, just silly.


Baseball is a business and for better or worse baseball fans have shown that no matter what the ticket price, no matter what the beer price, no matter what happens in the parking lot or on the field they’re still going to show up in April and stay until October. What other business in the world, with that kind of predictable customer base, would bother to do anything other than whatever suits them?

The American consuming public has shown many industries that they’ll vote with their wallets and their feet. Baseball is not one of those industries.

Jim Leach

Dove Canyon


Again, Simers needs to stop hating and face reality.

Frank McCourt is the greatest baseball owner of all time. If the Dodgers are considered a “business,” McCourt should be held in the same regard as Buffet, Gates, Jobs and Ford.

In less than eight years, during the worst economy, Mr. McCourt increased the value of the Dodgers from less than $500 million to more than $2.1 billion. McCourt was responsible for hiring the current general manager and manager. He also approved contract extensions and acquisitions of the team’s key players.

Dodgers fans and the City of Los Angeles should be thankful that Frank McCourt agreed to stay involved in the ownership and future development of Dodger Stadium. In business, it’s the results that matter.

Steve Stanage



Is Magic Johnson a Johnny-come-lately baseball executive who can’t keep his foot out of his mouth? Or is he a knowledgeable basketball analyst with a penchant for talking out of school about his old team? Oh, wait ... he’s both.

Bud Chapman



Talking to the Dodgers’ new owners may be an exercise in frustration, but at least they recognize their civic duty and consent to an interview. Where is your column on Kings owner Phil Anschutz? I’d like to see what a dial tone has to say.


Fred Macmin

Redondo Beach

They blew it

Kobe’s passing of the torch to Kevin Durant was inevitable, but to see it play out literally as Game 2 was turned over to Oklahoma City had to be one of the saddest moments in Lakers history. Time for us to turn the page, Lakers fans. This era ended Wednesday night.

Frank Shapiro



As Steve Blake clanked that three-pointer with time running out, I couldn’t help but think about a guy sitting on the Thunder bench who, in another year, on another Lakers team, makes that clutch shot. Lakers Coach Mike Brown did a heck of a job in Game 2. But in the end, a coach always looks better when he has the players who can make the plays.

Ron Ovadia



The only thing that Kobe closed Wednesday night was the Lakers’ chances in this series. After blowing that game, there’s no way that the Lakers can catch the Thunder. Winning one game would be like catching lightning in a bottle.

Richard Katz

Los Angeles


Why does Mike Brown insist on Metta World Peace inbounding the ball in critical late-game situations? Metta’s poor judgment /execution on the inbound has now cost us at least three games including the season opener against Chicago.

Memo to Metta: There is a reason Steve Blake was wide open in the corner. He had missed three of four previous three-point tries and was exactly whom the Thunder wanted to take the last shot.

Thomas Bailey

Long Beach


After that heartbreaking Game 2 loss, all I could do was think about how Chick would have reacted:


“The game was in the fridge. The door was closed. The Jell-o was jiggling. The butter was getting hard. But the Thunder was hungrier, sneaking in for a midnight snack.”

Gary Ross

Beverly Hills


I’m not usually a big believer in karma, but it feels like the Lakers just got elbowed in the neck.

Michael Miyamoto

Mission Viejo


I was excited to see The Times’ headline: “Brown Lists New Cuts To Close Deficit.”

Unfortunately it was about Jerry, not Mike.

Jack Saltzberg

Sherman Oaks

Sterling effort

The Clippers’ Game 7 win in Memphis was a great display of guts and team togetherness. And it’s time to give some kudos to Donald Sterling.

He tried with Elton Brand and Baron Davis. They became frauds. Now he has assembled outstanding management, coaching, and an exciting, fun team. Way to go, Clips, and the Donald.

Vance Lerner


Not a hit

Has there ever been a better time to be a sportswriter in L.A.? Unless of course you are covering the Angels.

Richard Whorton

Valley Village


So Mike Scioscia is upset at the general manager about firing Mickey Hatcher. I’m still upset about the previous general manager trading away Mike Napoli, which was obviously Scioscia’s brilliant idea. Don’t worry, Mike. We’ll both get over it one of these days.

Ron Reeve



So Mickey Hatcher is the sacrificial lamb? I’m sure the Angels will now win the division, right? Wrong. The voice the players are tired of listening to is Mike Scioscia’s. How can you blame Hatcher for Pujols and Wells? He certainly seems to be doing his job with Trout and Trumbo — you know, the kids who need it the most.


The bottom line is simple: The Angels are in trouble, a lot of trouble. Vernon Wells and Albert Pujols have destroyed the franchise and Mike Scioscia pulled the trigger. If the Angels hadn’t traded Juan Rivera and Mike Napoli and instead signed Adrian Beltre, they would be set for the next decade and used the extra money to get real need — relief pitching. This is what happens when you give a manager too much power. Fire Scioscia ... not Hatcher.

Geno Apicella



News item: Angels fire Hatcher.

Reaction: This would have been a good move — in 2004.

Craig L. Dunkin

Los Angeles

Yes we can

At Staples Center, can we officially designate this as Crammy Week?

Howard Mationg



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