
Numerology readings on Lakers’ starting lineup

The Lakers’ offseason has shifted from anticipating what moves the front office will make to assessing how the team will play in the upcoming season.

That’s included plenty of analysis on how the Lakers will match up against other teams and how players will perform next season. But it’s missed one important facet. Until now. See, there are people who make a living making predictions about the future and pursuading the general public that we should believe their clairvoyant powers. So in the interest of providing the most insight on what will be in store for the Lakers, I considered it valuable to get numerology readings on the team.

Here’s how it works. Enter the name of any Laker along with their birthdate, and this website will provide a comprehensive analysis of that person broken up into several categories, including inner or soul’s urge, personality, quiescent self, destiny or ultimate goal, life’s path, this year’s path, next year’s path and last year’s path. I chose each category based on how accurate the reading was on that particular person.


Below are the breakdowns of what might be in store for the Lakers’ starting lineup next season. Next week, we’ll get a better sense on what the bench looks like. So without further ado, take a peek into the crystal ball.

Kobe Bryant, Lakers guard (This year’s path)

This year you realize completion and/or fulfillment of some of your dreams. During the year you can let go of the old and undesirable to make way for the new and worthwhile. Things that have been lagging behind want to be finished up this year. Some things seem to finish themselves. In general, this is not a good year to begin new projects.

Be tolerant, compassionate, and forgiving, and this can be one of the most wonderful years of your life. Keeping your mind open for broader interests and larger activities seem more natural to you this year. Make your interests more of a universal, rather than personal, nature. Love affairs get your attention, maybe even your own. You find yourself cultivating music, writing, and other arts, and expressing love to the many and toleration of all. The “brotherhood of man” is your keynote. Respond to the urge to do good works.”


Dwight Howard, Lakers center (Your destiny or ultimate goal)

“You insist on having freedom of action and speech. Your life changes often, sometimes unpredictably, and you enjoy it because each change brings new opportunities to understand and absorb yet more aspects of life.

You love travel and the open spaces, and you have the best opportunities to succeed in occupations that have those qualities and also bring you in contact with people, including sales, acting, speaking, teaching, commercial artist, legal fields, or as a writer or editor. You are striking, attention getting, entertaining, and find it easier to move about than to make permanent associations with people or undertakings.”

Steve Nash, Lakers guard (Next year’s path)

“This is a year of service for you, a duty year. You feel you’re assuming new responsibilities. People make more demands of you this year. You are needed in many directions. Warmth and good will toward others, along with love and harmony, will make everything worthwhile. Justice, fair play, and honesty are important. It is a year for unselfish service.


“Take care of your health because without it you cannot help others. Find time for rest and relaxation. This is a year to be thorough and conscientious about everything that you do. It is a year of fine and friendly influence for marriage, tranquil home conditions, and traditional family activities. You may feel a strong desire to get settled.”

Pau Gasol, Lakers forward (Next year’s path)

“This is a year of change for you, a year to get out of the rut. Your opportunities are found outside ordinary routine. New opportunities and new conditions are manifesting (some may appear unexpectedly) -- new relationships, new ideas, new contacts, new enterprises, new plans -- more freedom, more variety, more travel -- broader fields of interest and activity.

It is a year of new experiences -- change, growth, fun, freedom. You feel an inner push to go do something, anything, so long as it’s a new experience. You notice more opportunities to travel. It is time to take advantage of the prevailing atmosphere of change and variety to learn something new. The year adds new life and color to your undertakings.

Metta World Peace, Lakers forward (This year’s path)

“Harmonious associations are very important for you this year. The year’s success and good results will be obtained through diplomacy, cooperation, tactfulness, good relationships, and, especially, personal introspection. It is a year for receiving and sharing rather than aggressively pursuing your own way.

Your intuition and emotions are enhanced this year. It is a busy year, with endless demands on your time. It is easier to work with others rather than doing things by yourself.”


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