
The traveler’s guide to the planet

Welcome to the Travel section’s Sourcebook, a compendium of articles, tips and resources designed to take the angst out of travel. Besides stories filled with practical information, we are also offering:

• Online material: Although this is the biggest Travel section of the year, it’s still not large enough to accommodate all the information we have. So besides what you’ll find in the section, we have posted additional items on our website. You can find a slew of travel tips put together by the Times Travel staff at You can learn about the things you should never leave home without at We also have lists of rental car companies ( and hotels, motels and resorts ( And we have compiled all reader recommendations for one year, including restaurants, hotels and tour guides. You can find them at

• Sights seen: Our readers covered the globe in 2005. We’ve used their photos, submitted to My Best Shot, to illustrate this special issue.
