
Readers recommend

Maine: Blue Harbor B&B

Blue Harbor House, 67 Elm St., Camden, ME 04843-1904; (207) 236-3196, “This delightful B&B is a short walk from downtown Camden. It features comfortably decorated rooms with private baths. The breakfasts are wonderful: blueberry pancakes with banana-blueberry butter.” Doubles from $95.

Lynn and Harvey Shields

Mission Viejo


Canada: bayside mansion

Parrsboro Mansion, 15/3916 Eastern Ave., Parrs- boro, Nova Scotia B0M 1SO; (866) 354-2585, . “Those planning to visit eastern Canada this summer should visit Parrsboro on the north shore of the Bay of Fundy. This bed-and-breakfast is on the bay with its 57-foot tides. It has beautiful views, hiking trails and a lighthouse. Parrsboro dates back to the 1700s with quaint shops and restaurants.” Doubles from $83.

Bruce M. Stark

Seal Beach

Send recommendations to Readers Recommend / Travel, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@ Please include your name, address and phone number, as well as the address, phone number and website of the place or person you are recommending.
