
Readers recommend

Wales: big, beautiful

Llanerch Vineyard Bed and Breakfast, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales CF72 8GG; 011-44-1443- 225-877, . “We had a very comfortable stay in February. The rooms are large and ultra-modern. The area is very beautiful, much more open with rolling hills than England. There are many sophisticated restaurants close by.” Doubles from $129.

T.K. Wang

Los Angeles


California: savory starter

Bon Temps Creole Cafe, 1000 Olive St., San Luis Obispo 93405; (805) 544-2100, . “My husband and I had a great breakfast at the Bon Temps Creole Cafe. A delicious omelet with Bon Temps’ own hot sauce, crispy-on-the-outside hash browns and an excellent cup of coffee. Informal but great food. I would go back there for dinner. They offer a credible selection of local wines.” Breakfast, $4.50-$8.95; lunch, $5.50-$10.95; dinner, $5.95-$16.95.

Katherine Mankin

Los Angeles


Send recommendations to Readers Recommend / Travel, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail [email protected]. Please include your name, address and phone number, as well as the address, phone number and website of the place or person you are recommending.
