
Letters from readers: Real ID and Marines in San Diego

Fill out your application online before heading into the DMV office to apply for your Real ID.
Fill out your application online before heading into the DMV office to apply for your Real ID.
(Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)

Thanks so much for the great tips on places to visit in San Diego (“San Diego Rocks,” March 10). There’s a lot of geography to cover, and I appreciate that you can only recommend so much. However, San Diego is a military town and I missed mention of the Marine Corps Recruiting Depot Museum. It’s a gem and reflects the history of the area through the significant military presence.

As a godmother to a Marine, I hope next time you will spotlight this special museum and others in the area. Thanks for mentioning the Midway.

Yvonne Guerra


Real talk on Real ID

I enjoyed Catharine Hamm’s very accurate and funny article about the Real ID and the California DMV (“Questions About Real ID Driver’s Licenses? See Below,” On the Spot, by Catharine Hamm, March 17). Something Hamm could add is that people should fill out the online application before they get to the DMV. It will save them some time.


They can use the DMV computer to fill out the application, but waiting for one to become available could take a long time.

There’s also a paper form the person could fill out, but a person would need to get the paper form.

Here’s a link to the electronic form. If the customer uses this form, they must sign up for an account.


Filling out the application before the customer arrives at DMV will save some time

Franklin Weinstein, Roseville, Calif.

Get a grip on gripes

The article by Elliott Hester regarding legit gripes on planes caused me to laugh and be upset at the same time (Legit Gripes, Sure. But This?,” Fly Guy, by Elliott Hester, March 24). The lady who wanted a temporary babysitter for her pet, the lady who thinks that toilet paper must come from the top of the roll, and the passenger who couldn’t be satisfied about the measurement of a half cup of coffee are people who not only woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but also on the wrong side of life.

Bill Spitalnick, Newport Beach

