End of the Soviet Union
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MOSCOW -- Profound political changes are under way in the Soviet Union as the country prepares this month for its first contested parliamentary elections since the earliest days of the Soviet state.
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Hungary Steps Cautiously on Path to Power-Sharing
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MOSCOW -- Campaigning for the first contested national elections since the earliest years of the Soviet state ended here Saturday with an emotional rally for Boris N.
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Soviets Excited Over Free Election in Dramatic Break With the Past
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Victories Vastly Outnumber Losses, Yet Stunning Setbacks Are Suffered
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Castro Embraces Soviet President at Havana’s Airport With No Sign of Tension Over Policies
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Supporters of Reforms Brought In
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New Soviet Congress Elects Gorbachev to Presidency
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Soviets See Strong Ties to Europe as Way of Future
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In Beijing, Gorbachev Sees His Worst Fears Soviet President Keeps Eye on Chinese Crisis, Knowing His Reforms May Spark Similar Unrest
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Gorbachev Begins Bid to Reshape Idea of Europe
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MOSCOW -- A weeklong strike by Soviet coal miners demanding better supplies of food, safer working conditions, more housing and an environmental cleanup around their mines in western Siberia grew to about 100,000 workers on Sunday and threatened to turn into a general strike there.
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Congress Radicals Ignore Lenin Edict, Ask Bolder Reforms
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For Soviets, Last Battle of War Is Over Its Legacy
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Situation Explosive as Azerbaijan Tightens Its Blockade on Armenia and Disputed Enclave
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‘We Cannot Leave Things as They Are,’ He Says, Calling Early Congress; Secession Moves Barred
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Bush Stresses Caution, but Critics Call Him Timid and Urge Action to Support Soviet Leader
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MOSCOW -- The editor of the Communist Party newspaper Pravda, the Soviet Union’s most powerful newspaper, was promising a new era of political candor, open debate and up-to-date information on Monday while the editor of Arguments and Facts, the country’s largest paper, was wondering whether his efforts to provide the very same material would cost him his job.
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Diplomacy: The two agree to restore Vatican-Kremlin ties. The pontiff welcomes an invitation to Moscow.
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MOSCOW -- President Mikhail S.
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MOSCOW -- Twenty years ago, as the Soviet Union sank deeper and deeper into what is now described as the oppressive “era of stagnation” under Leonid I.
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East Bloc: Despite reports of brutal repression and numerous deaths, demonstrators continue to demand an end to Ceausescu’s rule.
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East Europe: The dictator and his wife flee Bucharest as his 24-year tyranny comes to a violent halt.
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WARSAW -- Nicolae Ceausescu’s monster was dying monstrously Friday.
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Romania: Death toll soars in fiercest battles of the week. Gorbachev affirms Soviet support for the uprising.
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BUCHAREST, Romania -- For all but the last two weeks of this year, Communist Eastern Europe passed through one of the most remarkable political transformations in modern history, a massive upheaval that was accomplished with hardly a shot fired.
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BUCHAREST, Romania -- The young woman, her dark hair tied back in a long braid, sat in the chair by the fire, her face pulled tight by the unsuccessful effort to hold back tears.
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PAARL, South Africa -- Hennie and Evelynne Durr are parents not easily rattled.