Letters to the L.A. of our dreams

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These letters are part of Image issue 7, “Survival,” a collective vision for the L.A. of our dreams. See the full package here.
In Los Angeles, we know what can be because we’ve been living in the future for a while. The pollution, the forever summers, the strange waves of humidity, the newish influx of ankle-biting mosquitos — L.A. is brilliant in its foreshadowing prowess.
For issue 7 of Image, “Survival,” we asked artists, writers, actors, activists, comedians and fashion designers to imagine what a sustainable future would look like. They gave us their visions and their memories. They wrote to themselves, to their cars, to their families, to their houses, to their past selves, to the items they want to take with them in the future.
Read them all. Re-read them all again. And make a contribution of your own when you’re done. Write yourself a letter. Write to your loved ones. Write to Los Angeles.
We can create the future of our dreams. It just takes a little dedication.